X-Man: That’s what my College Buddies call him because of Professor X of the X-Men (the animated series, the movie didn’t exist yet when my son was born). To this day, that’s his nickname, although most of his buddies just call him Xavi. I picked the name —which means owner of the house in Basque— from a list I gave his mom, since the maternity nurses were getting pretty nervous as we only had a girl’s name chosen (Victoria like my grandmother).
Too many great memories to enumerate but the accompanying picture is from the first time we both visited Yosemite, a birthday present for me from wonderful Mik.
Does his birthday makes me feel old? Yes it does! But more importantly it makes me feel very proud of the fine man that Xavier has become.
Recently my Persian night caregivers (young men that have taken over their Mom’s night duties; we have a lot of fun together) went to Yosemite for the first time and I gave them the following links for “must do” while in Yosemite:
“Make sure you visit and if the budget permits have lunch!”
“Should be an easy and breath-taking hike!’
“Hike could be strenuous but it’ll be worthwhile!”
“Strenuous hike not to be missed!”
Alas, I found out that these young men did a total of 30 minutes hiking and none of my suggestions. I’ve learned that there was a lot of sleeping, blamed on their young sister!
Have an A+ Day © X-Man!